Oncology Massage

Oncology Massage

Safe and effective for cancer patients or people with a history of cancer

Oncology Massage is a gentle, nurturing and effective massage that safely addresses the needs of a cancer patient or anyone with a history of cancer (or other degenerative illness). Oncology Massage therapists understand the science and pay close attention to the physical, emotional and psychological needs of a client during diagnosis, treatment, recovery, survivorship or palliative care. People who have cancer or a history of cancer should see a qualified Oncology Massage Therapist, as these therapists have the proper training to assist with the unique requirements that cancer presents.

The massage techniques used are gentle and slow and induce deep relaxation in the body which also helps to calm the mind. Oncology massage is a specialised massage technique adapted to the client’s unique state of health. It is a safe and complementary therapy for clients undergoing allopathic treatments for their health issues. 

Oncology massage therapists are highly trained and equipped for different types of cancer and other health conditions, and will make adjustments for a person’s current state of health. We design a suitable treatment plan for the individual with cancer and make site, position and pressure adjustments. Most importantly we ensure that we cause no harm. Oncology massage therapists are trained to treat the person holistically ensuring that the massage is personalised for the clients unique experience in the present moment.

Research has shown Oncology Massage improves the quality of life for people with a history or diagnosis of cancer.  It reduces the side effects experienced from conventional treatment of cancer and the symptoms of the disease process itself (Cassileth and Vickers, 2004).

  • Pain Improved 47%
  • Fatigue Improved 42%
  • Anxiety Improved 59%
  • Nausea Improved 51%
  • Depression Improved 48%
  • Other (including shortness of breath, memory problems, dry mouth or disturbed sleep) improved 48%

Want to know more? Go here